6 분 소요



  • Types of memories in computer systems
    • Processor registers
    • Cache memory
    • Main memory
    • Auxiliary memory (보조기억장치)
  • Notes
    • Block
      • Data transfer unit between primary memory and secondary storage
      • Size: 1 ~ 4 KB (128B ~ 8MB)
    • Word
      • Data transfer unit between primary memory and CPU
      • Size: 16 ~ 64 bits



  • CPU register access time
    • Generally takes 0~1 cycles of the CPU clock
  • Memory access time
    • Generally takes 50~200 cycles of the CPU clock
    • CPU normally needs to stall during the memory access
    • Intolerable because of the frequency of memory accesses
  • Cache memory
    • Used to accommodate the speed differentia
  • Intel Core i7 cache :


CPU-memory performance gap


Address binding


  • Compile-time binding
    • When it is known at compile time where the process will reside in memory, then absolute code can be generated
    • Changing the starting location requires recompilation
    • MS-DOS .COM-format programs


  • Load-time binding
    • When it is not known at compile time where the process will reside in memory, then the compiler must generate relocatable code
    • Final binding is delayed until load time
    • Changing the starting location requires reloading or relocation of the user code


  • Run-time binding
    • Processes can be moved during its execution from one memory location to another
    • Special hardware is required
    • Used in most general-purpose operating systems
    • Run-time mapping from logical(virtual) address to physical address is performed by a hardware device called MMU(Memory Management Unit)


  • Notes
    • Logical address (relative address, virtual address)
      • An address generated by the CPU
    • Physical address
      • An address seen by the memory unit
      • An address loaded into MAR
    • Relocation register (base register)
      • Holds the allocation address (smallest physical address)
    • Limit register
    • Contains the range of logical addresses

Dynamic linking

  • Linking is postponed until execution time
  • Usually used with system libraries
    • Without this facility, each executable on a system must include a copy of its library
      • Wastes both disk space and main memory
  • Uses stub concept
    • Included in the image for each library routine reference
    • Small piece of code that indicates how to locate or load the appropriate library routine (in memory or from the library)
    • Replaces itself with the code that contains the address of the routine and executes the routine
      • At the next time that the code segment is reached, the library routine is executed directly without further dynamic linking

  • Code sharing
    • All processes that use a library execute only one copy of the library code
  • Supports the concept of shared libraries
  • Requires help from the OS

Overlay structure

  • Keep in memory only those instructions and data that are needed at any given time
  • Example) Assembler
    • Symbol table(1MB), Common routines(2MB), Pass-1(3MB), Pass-2(4MB)
    • Primary memory size: 8MB



  • A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing store (swap device(swap file system))


Notes on swapping

  • Time quantum vs swap time
    • Time quantum should be substantially larger than swap time (context switch time) for efficient CPU utilization
  • Pending I/O
    • If I/O is asynchronously accessing the user memory for I/O buffers, then the process cannot be swapped
    • Solutions
      • Never swap a process with pending I/O
      • Execute I/O operations only into kernel buffers (and deliver it to the process memory when the process is swapped in)

  • Swap device (swap file system)
    • Swap space is allocated as a chunk of disk
      • Contiguous allocation of the process image
      • Fast access time

Ordinary file system
Discontiguous allocation of the file data blocks
Focuses on the efficient file system space management

Memory Management


Contiguous Memory Allocation

  • Basic policies
    • Each process (context) is contained in a single contiguous section of memory
  • Policies for memory organization
    • Number of processes in memory
      • Affects multiprogramming degree
    • Amount of memory space allocated for each process
    • Memory partition methods
      • Fixed(static) partition multiprogramming
      • Variable(dynamic) partition multiprogramming


  • Only 1 process in memory
  • Simple memory management scheme



  • Program-size > memory-size
    • Uses overlay structure
    • Requires support from compiler/linker/loader



  • Kernel protection
    • Boundary register



  • Low system resource utilization
  • Low system performance
  • Solution
    • Multiprogramming → FPM or VPM


  • FPM: Fixed Partition Multiprogramming
    • Divide memory into several fixed-size partitions
    • One process $\leftrightarrow$ one partition
      • One process can use only one partition
      • One partition can be used by only one process
    • When number of partitions = k
      • Maximum multiprogramming degree = k
    • IBM OS/360 MFT

FPM Example


Data structure for FPM: Example


Program reloacation


Protection method



  • Loading the relocation and limit registers
    • During context switching
    • By the dispatcher
    • Using a special privileged instruction
      • Allows the OS to change the value of the registers
      • Prevents user programs from changing the registers


: Waste of storage space

  • Internal fragmentation
    • Exists when the memory space allocated is larger than the requested memory
  • External fragmentation
    • Exists when enough total memory space exists to satisfy the request, but it is not contiguous

  • Both types of fragmentation exist in FPM


  • Several fixed partitions in memory
  • Simple memory management
  • Low memory management overhead
  • May cause poor resource utilization
  • Internal/external fragmentation


  • VPM: Variable Partition Multiprogramming
    • Initially, all memory is available as a single large block of available memory (hole, partition)
    • Memory partition state dynamically changes as a process enters or exits the system
    • No internal fragmentation in a partition
    • Contiguous allocation

  • Example









Placement strategies

  • First-fit
    • Start searching at the beginning of the state table
    • Allocate the first partition that is big enough
    • Simple and low overhead
  • Best-fit
    • Search the entire state table
    • Allocate the smallest partition that is big enough
    • Long search time
    • Can reserve large size partitions
    • May produce many small size partitions
    • External fragmentation
  • Worst-fit
    • Search the entire state table
    • Allocate the largest partition available
    • May reduce the number of small size partitions
  • Next-fit
    • Similar to first-fit method
    • Start searching from where the previous search ended
    • Circular search the state table
    • Uniform use for the memory partitions
    • Low overhead

Coalescing holes

  • Merge adjacent free partitions into one large partition


Storage compaction

  • Shuffle the memory contents to place all free memory together in one large block (partition)
  • Done at execution time
    • Can be done only if relocation is dynamically possible
  • Consumes so much system resources
    • Consumes long CPU time

Discontiguous Memory Allocation

  • Paging
  • Segmentation


  • Memory management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous
  • Implemented by closely integrating the hardware and operating system


Basic method

  • Frames (page frames)
    • Breaking physical memory into fixed-size blocks
  • Pages
    • Breaking logical memory into blocks of the same size
    • Page size
      • Typically power of 2
      • 512B ~ 16MB (typically 4KB ~ 8KB)
  • Logical address
    • v = (p, d)
      • p: page number
      • d: page offset (displacement)
  • Address mapping
    • Logical address → physical address
    • Hidden from the user and controlled by the OS
    • Uses page table
      • A page table for each process

  • Paging hardware and address mapping


  • Page table implementation
    • Dedicated CPU registers
    • TLB (Translation Look-aside Buffer)
  • See [Virtual Memory Organization]


Basic concept

  • View memory as a collection of variable-sized segments
  • View program as a collection of various objects
    • Functions, methods, procedures, objects, arrays, stacks, variables, and so on
  • Logical address
    • v = (s, d)
      • s: segment number
      • d: offset (displacement)

  • Normally, when the user program is compiled, the compiler automatically constructs segments reflecting the input program
    • Code
    • Global variables
    • Heap
    • Stacks
    • Standard library


address mapping



  • Contiguous memory allocation
    • Uniprogramming
    • Multiprogramming
      • FPM
      • VPM
  • Discontiguous memory allocation
    • Paging
    • Segmentation


Intel Pentium Architecture (For your self-study)
