2 분 소요


Attention Human pay attention to correlate words in one sentence or different regions of an image



Seq2seq Model

Encoder-Decoder model


Problems with Seq2seq Models

  • Encoder-decoder models like to repeat themselves
    • Example: …
  • Why does this happen?
    • Models trained poorly
    • LSTM state is not behaving as expected so it gets stuck in a “loop” of generating the same output tokens again and again
  • Solution?
    • Need some notion of input coverage or what input words we’ve translate

  • Bad at long sentences
    • A fixed-size hidden representation doesn’t scale
    • LSTMs still have a hard time remembering for really long periods of time


  • Unknown words


  • Encoding these rare words into a vector spcae is really hard
  • In fact, we don’t want to encode them, we want a way of directly looking back at the input and copying them

Aligned Inputs

  • Suppose we knew the source and target would be word-by-word translated
  • Can look at the corresponding input word when translating
  • Much less burden on the hidden state
  • How can we archieve this without hardcoding it?



  • Suppose we knew the source and target would be word-by-word translated-
  • Can look at the corresponding input word when translating
  • Much less burden on the hidden state
  • How can we achieve this without hardcoding it?

At each decoder state, we compute a distribution over source inputs based on current decoder state, use that in output layer


For each decoder state, compute weighted sum of input states




  • No attention: P(yi x, y1, …, yi-1) = softmax(Whi)
  • Attention: P(yi|x, y1, …, yi-1) = softmax(W[ci;hi]) ci = sig(aij*hj) aij = exp(eij)/sig(exp(eij’)) eij = f(hi,hj)


  • Encoder hidden states capture contextual source word identity
  • Decoder hidden states are now mostly responsible for selecting what to attend to
  • Doesn’t take a complex hidden state to walk monotonically through a sentence and spit out word-by-word translations


Sentence Encoders

  • LSTM abstraction
    • Maps each vector in a sentence to a new, context-aware vector
  • CNNs do something similar with filter
  • Attention can give us a third way to do this

What words need to be contextualized here? – Pronouns need to look at antecedents – Ambiguous words should look at context – What words need to be contextualized here? – Words should look at syntactic parents/children

  • Want [이미지]
  • LSTMs/CNNs: tend to look at local context [이미지]
  • To appropriately contextualize embeddings, we need to pass information over long distances dynamically for each word

Each word forms a “query” which then computers attention over each word

Multiple “heads” analogous to different convolutional filters Use parameters Wk & Vk to get different attention values & transform vectors


  • Attend nearby & to semantically related terns
  • Why multiple heads?
    • Softmax ends up being peaked, single distribution cannot easily put weight on multiple things

  • Query : Context vector
  • Key: Target vector
  • Value: Correlation value between query and key

[이미지] [이미지] [이미지] [이미지] [이미지]



  • https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2018-06-24-attention/
