1 분 소요

Natural Language Processing Practices

  1. Language identification
  2. Cleaning text
  3. Spell checking
  4. Tokennizing
  5. Part-of-Speech tagging
  6. Word vector
  7. Classification (Sentiment Analysis)


  • Python
  • Google Chrome (for Google Colab)

Language Identification

  • Problem: Identify languages of text
    • Korean, English, French, Japanese, Chinese, …
  • Features
    • Bytes and Encoding (i.e. EUC-KR for Korean)
    • Characters
    • Character combinations
    • Morphemes, Syllables, and Chunks
    • Words
    • Word combinations
  • Library
    • langdetect: https://github.com/Mimino666/langdetect
    • langid.py: https://github.com/saffsd/langid.py
    • FastText: https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html
  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1CNvsRyHTAa_psVoFfer6AWF9NbTsVE9d?usp=sharing

Cleaning Text

  • Problem: Noises in text
    • html tags
    • emoticons
  • Method
    • Regular expression
    • String replacement

image image

Regular expression

  • Describes a pattern of text
    • can test whether a string matches the expr’s pattern
    • can use a regex to search/replace characters in a string
    • very powerful, but tough to read
  • Occur in many places
    • Text editors allow regexes in search/replace
    • Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python, etc.
    • Unix/Linux/Mac shell commands (grep, sed, find, etc.)
  • Book
    • https://regexone.com/
  • Practice
    • https://regex101.com/


  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ltjDwzds4avyMcNrqOunoWeO5Hk95hNj?usp=sharing

Spell Checking

  • Problem: Noises in text
    • Word spacing
    • Errata
  • Method
    • Rule base
    • Machine learning


  • Library
    • PyKoSpacing: https://github.com/haven-jeon/PyKoSpacing
    • py-hanspell: https://github.com/ssut/py-hanspell
  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1bBwq–mAon3VmrEjMABDqPSR3OK6Gekl?usp=sharing


  • Problem: Identify atomic object in text
    • Word token (i.e. smarter than animals)
    • Subword token (i.e. smart er than animal s)
    • Character token (i.e. s m a r t e r t h a n a n i m a l s)
  • Method
    • n-gram
    • Byte Pair Encoding

Byte Pair Encoding

  • Compression algorithm
    • Ex) aaabdaaabac => ZabdZabac => ZYdZYac => XdXac
    • Z=aa, Y=ab, X=ZY
  • BPE in NLP
    • Group characters by frequency


  • Library
    • Tokenizers (by huggingface): https://github.com/huggingface/tokenizers
    • KoNLPy: https://konlpy.org
  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1YF513n7v5JX4U9njB-Bw-RoKPybtGybM?usp=sharing

Part-of-Speech Tagging

  • Problem: Identify part-of-speech
    • Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Number, …
  • Library
    • khaiii: https://github.com/kakao/khaiii
    • KoNLPy: https://konlpy.org
  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kGZYaptCzKqssFGizs5NqNCuRKAtK9w0?usp=sharing


  • Embeddings capture relational meaning
    • Ex) king - man + woman ≈ queen


  • Examples of Word2Vec analogy test (Korean)
    • [여름 - 더위 + 겨울] = [마름]
    • [선풍기 - 바람 + 눈] = [눈물]
    • [사람 - 지능 + 컴퓨터] = [소프트웨어]
    • [인생 - 사람 + 컴퓨터] = [관리자]
    • [그림 - 연필 + 영화] = [스타]
    • [손 - 박수 + 발] = [달리기]
    • [삼겹살 - 소주 + 맥주] = [햄]
  • Word vector representations
    • Word2Vec
    • FastText
  • Library
    • gensim: https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/
  • Practice
    • https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HPIs41AsIZQQ9xbHuu3IqASmBsYefIKT?usp=sharing


  • https://news.v.daum.net/v/20201025080011013
  • https://content.v.daum.net/v/5a0547a1e787d0000159f213
  • https://blog.naver.com/saltluxmarketing/221607368769



