- A transaction is a unit of program execution that accesses and updates database within DBMS. It is different from programs outside DBMS(i.e., C program with UNIX). For example, money withdraw from account;

- A transaction executes many operations, but DBMS is only concerned about what data is read/written from/to the database;

DBMS’s Roles
- Transaction Manager
- Coordinates the execution of transactions, receiving relevant SQL commands;
- Concurrency Control Manager
- Guarantees consistent and concurrent schedule
- Serializable Schedule
- Lock Manager
- Isolation
- Recovery Manager
- Guarantees recoverable, cascade-less, strict schedules even if transactions failures occur.
- Log Manager
- Atomicity and Durability
ACID rules
- Atomicity
- A transaction is an atomic unit of processing; it either performs all operations or none at all.
- If transaction is aborted, it must be roll backed with undoing all its operations done so far.
- Consistency
– A correct execution of the transaction must preserve correct values of database before and after of execution of transaction.
- It is responsibility of application programmer who codes the transaction.
- Isolation
– A transaction must not make its updates visible to other transactions until it is committed.
- Intermediate transaction results must be hidden from other concurrently executed transactions.
- Durability
- After a transaction completes successfully, the changes it has made must be never be lost.
- In case of system failures, we can redo the effect of write operations by tracing through log file.
ACID rules : Atomicity
- Consider a transaction T to transfer $100 from account A to B:

- Atomicity
- If a transaction T fails (due to S/W or H/W error) after step 3) and before 6), T has the temporarily incorrect value of A (i.e., A = 900).
- The system must ensure that updates of a partially executed transaction are not reflected in the database.
- T must be rolled back (cancel (UNDO) all operations done before failure), and must change the value of A back to its old value (i.e., A = 1,000)
ACID rules : Consistency
- Consider a transaction T to transfer $100 from account A to B:

- Consistency
- The sum of A and B must be unchanged by the execution of T.
- A transaction T, when starting to execute, must see a consistent database. (i.e., A =1,000, B = 2,000)
- During transaction execution, the database may be temporarily inconsistent. (i.e., A = 900, B = 2,000), but that’s OK.
- When T completes successfully, the database must also be consistent (i.e., A = 900, B = 2,100); Erroneous transaction logic can lead to inconsistency; User’s responsibility
ACID rules : Durability
- Consider a transaction T to transfer $100 from account A to B:

- Durability
– Once the user has been notified that transaction T has completed (i.e., the transfer of the $100 has taken place), the updates to the database by the transaction must persist.
- System must ensure that the final values of A and B (i.e., A = 900, B = 2,100), must be safely written to disk even if there are H/W failures. (REDO)
ACID rules : Isolation
- Consider two transactions T1 and T2 to run concurrently:

- Isolation
- If between steps 3 and 6, another transaction T2 is allowed to access the partially updated database, T2 will see an incorrect value (i.e., the sum A + B will be less than $3,000).
- Isolation can be ensured by running transactions serially; That is, one after the other
Operations for Transaction
- Transaction manager needs of the following operations:
- Begin : Beginning of transaction execution.
- Read/Write : These specify actual execution operations.
- End : End of transaction execution; It needs to check whether
- 1) the changes by the transaction can be permanently written to the database, or
- 2) the transaction must be aborted because it violates concurrency control, or for some other reasons.
- Commit : Transaction has ended successfully.
- Any changes executed by the transaction can be safely written to the database and will not be undone.
- Rollback (or Abort): Transaction has ended unsuccessfully;
- Any changes executed by the transaction must be undone.
- Kill the transaction!
Transaction States
- Transaction processing consists of the following states;
- Active
- Initial state; the transaction stays in this state while it is executing read/write operations.
- Partially Committed
- After the final operation has been executed.
- Failed
- After the discovery that normal execution can no longer proceed.
- Aborted
- After the transaction has been rolled back, and the database has been restored to its state prior to the start of the transaction.
- Committed
- After successful completion.

Scheduling Transactions
- Serial schedule:
- A schedule without any interleaved (no intervention) operations.
- Only commit (or abort) of the active transaction initiates execution of the next transaction;
- Every serial schedule guarantees consistency; Executing many transactions serially in different orders may produce different results; But all the results are correct.
- Serial schedules limits the concurrency by wasting CPU time; Thus, serial schedules are not acceptable in practice
- Non-serial (= Concurrent) schedule
- A schedule that is not serial.
- Non-serial schedules are acceptable, but they do not guarantee consistency.
Conflicting Operations
- Two operations in a schedule are said to conflicting if they satisfy all three of the following conditions;
- (1) they belong to different transactions.
- (2) they access the same data item.
- (3) if at least one of the operations is write.
- Otherwise, all others are non-conflicting; That means;
- (1) they belong to the same transaction, or
- (2) they access the different data items, or
- (3) they access the same data item, but both read it.
- Suppose there are two transactions T1 and T2; then, the examples are;
- Conflicting: {W1(X), R2 (X)}, {W2(X), W1(X)}, {R1(Y), W2(Y)}, {W1(Y), R2(Y)}, . .
- Non-Conflicting: {W1(X), R1(X)}, {W2(X), R1(Y)}, {R1(X), R2(X)}, . . .
- Any non-Conflicting operations can be freely performed concurrently without any burden; However, conflicting operations can cause serious problems;
- Suppose two transactions T1 and T2 conflict with each other; Then, three anomalous situations occur;
- (1) WR conflict : Dirty Data : T2 reads a data item previously written by T1.
- (2) RW conflict : Unrepeatable Read : T2 writes a data item previously read by T1.
- (3) WW conflict : Lost Update : T2 writes a data item previously written by T1.
- Questions: What problems caused by the above conflicts?
Reading Uncommitted Data : WR conflicts

- T2 reads A after 100 is subtracted and reads B before 100 is added.
- T2 reads value of A written by T1 while T1 is still in progress. This is called Dirty (Inconsistent) Read.
Unrepeatable Reads : RW Conflicts

- T2 changes (A = 0) the value of A (A = 1) that has been read by T1, while T1 is still in progress.
- If T1 tries to read the value of A again, it will get a different result (A = 0) even though it has not modified A. This is called Unrepeatable Read.
Overwriting Uncommitted Data : WW Conflicts

- T2 overwritten (A = 1200) the value of A, which has already been modified by T1, while T1 is still in progress;
- The value modified by T1 (A = 900) is lost; This is called Lost Update.
Conflict Serializability
- Two schedules S and S’ are conflict equivalent if the order of any two conflicting operations is the same for both schedules.
- That means, if a schedule S can be transformed into a schedule S´ by a series of swaps of non-conflicting instructions, we say that S and S´ are conflict equivalent.
- A schedule S is conflict serializable if it is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule S’.
- “Conflicting serializable” schedules always guarantees consistency by exploiting also concurrency; Thus, it is a “good” schedule.

Testing : Conflict Serializability

Schedules with Aborted Transactions
- We now extend serializabilty concept to include aborted transactions; Note that all operations of aborted transactions must be undone; That means, imagine that they were never carried out to begin with.
- A serializable schedule S is a schedule whose effect on database is identical to that of some serial schedule of set of committed transactions in S.
- Recoverable Schedule :
- A schedule S is recoverable if no transaction T in S commits until all transactions T’ that have written a data item that T reads have committed.
- For example, if transaction T1 reads a data item previously written by T2 , then the commit of T2 must appears before the commit of T1.
- (Theoretically), In recoverable schedule, committed transaction never needs to be rolled back.

Not Recoverable Schedule

Recoverable Schedule

Cascade-less and Strict Schedules
- Cascade-less Schedule (= Avoiding Cascade Rollback):
- Every transaction reads only data items that were written by committed transactions.
- In a recovery schedule, it is possible for uncommitted transactions must be rolled back because it read a data item from a transaction that failed.
- Strict Schedule :
- Transactions can neither read nor write data item X, until the last transaction that wrote X has committed (or aborted);
- Overwriting of uncommitted data is not allowed.
- (1) Tj reads a data item X after Ti has committed (aborted).
- (2) Tj writes a data item X after Ti has committed (aborted).
Not Cascade-less Schedule

Cascade-less Schedule

Relationship between Schedules
- Explain the relationships between the following schedules;
- Serial vs. Conflict Serializable
- Recoverable vs. Cascade-less
- Cascade-less vs. Strict Schedule
- Conflict Serializable vs. Recoverable
- Conflict Serializable vs. Cascade-less
