9 분 소요


Retrieval Queries

  • Basic form of the Retrieval Queries:


  • is a list of attribute names whose values are to be retrieved by the query
  • is a list of the relation names to process query
  • is a conditional (Boolean) expression that identifies the tuples to be retrieved by the query

Simple Query : Single Table

  • Retrieve the birthdate and address of employees whose sex is ‘male’ and whose salary is greater than 30,000.


  • SELECT-clause specifies PROJECT($\pi$);
  • WHERE-clause specifies SELECT ($\sigma$)
  • (참고: SQL의 SELECT는 relational algebra의 $\sigma$와 다름; $\pi$ 를 의미)
  • This SQL expression is equivalent to:
    • $\pi$ bdate, address ($\sigma$ (salary > 30000) AND (sex = ‘male’) EMP)

Optional WHERE / Use of *

  • ‘WHERE’ is optional; That means “no condition” is applied; Thus, all tuples of the table are retrieved.


  • To retrieve all the attribute values of the selected tuples, the symbol * is used, which means all the attributes



  • SQL does not remove duplicate tuples in query result: Why?
    • Duplicates removal is expensive; (Sort and elimination cost!)
    • Users want to see duplicate tuples in the result of query.
    • When aggregate function (ie., sum, avg) is applied, we need to keep duplicated tuples.
  • To remove duplicates in a query result, DISTINCT is used.
  • Q1 may have duplicate values, but Q2 does not have any duplicates. image
  • What do think about the following query Q3? image

Multiple Table Query

  • Retrieve SSN and age of employees who work for ‘research’ dept. image
  • (DNO = DNUMBER) condition specifies the JOIN;
  • This SQL expression is equivalent to : image

  • For project name ‘product X’, list the project number, controlling department number, and the department manager’s salary image
  • Notice that there are two join conditions
    • (DNUM = DNUMBER) relates a project to its controlling department
    • (Mgr-SSN = SSN) relates the controlling department to the employee who manages that department

Rename Operation

  • We can rename for both relation and attributes, taking the form;
    • old name AS new name
  • The AS clause can appear in both the SELECT and FROM clause.


Use of Tuple Variables

  • We can use tuple variables to refer any tables in SQL query;
  • Retrieve name and dept. phone of employees who work for ‘research’ dept.


  • The alternative table names e and d are called “tuple variables”
  • This SQL expression is equivalent to :


  • Tuple variables are very useful for comparing two tuples in the same relation.
  • In this case, two tuple variables are given to the same relation.
  • For each employee, retrieve the employee’s SSN, and the name of his (or her) direct supervisor.


  • The alternative table names e and s are called “tuple variables”
  • We can think of e and s as two different copies of EMPLOYEE;
    • e represents employees in role of ’workers’
    • s represents employees in role of ‘bosses

  • Retrieve SSN and names of all employees whose salary greater than Smith’s salary.


  • We can also think of e and b as two different copies of EMPLOYEE;
    • e represents in the role of employees
    • s represents in the role of employee(s) with name = ‘smith’

  • Retrieve the names of two employees (i.e., married) who share the same address.


  • The second condition (e1.name < e2.name) means that the name of first employee precedes the name of second employee alphabetically.
  • If this condition is omitted, tuple variables e1 and e2 both could refer to the same tuple. Thus, the query result produces each employee name paired with itself.
  • Question: If use “<>” instead of “< “,’ what will happen?

Substring Pattern Matching

  • SQL provides LIKE comparison operator for pattern matching. We describe patterns by using two special characters.
    • Percent(%): The % matches any “substring”.
    • Underscore(_): The _ matches any “character”.
  • Patterns are case sensitive; that is, upper case characters do not match lower case characters, or vice versa; Some examples are;
    • ‘Blue%’ matches any string beginning with ‘Blue’.
    • ‘%idge% matches any string containing “idge” as substring.
      • Examples: Blueridge, Ridgeriver, ‘Rockbridge, Ridgeway, . .
    • ‘_ _ _’ matches any string of exactly 3 characters.
    • ‘_ _ _%’ matches any string of at least 3 characters.

  • Retrieve all employees whose address is in Houston, Texas


  • Retrieve all employees who were born during the 1970s.


  • Note that NOT LIKE also can be used in a similar way

Arithmetic Operations

  • We can use arithmetic operations in query; The standard operators +, -, *, and / can be applied to attributes with numeric data types;
  • Show resulting salaries for every employee working for the research department is given 10% raise.


  • SQL provides BETWEEN operator to simplify comparison operators.
    • For example, retrieve all employees whose salary is between 30,000 and 40,000. (that is, salary >= AND salary <= 40000)


Set Operators

  • Each of the above operations automatically removes duplicated tuples;
  • To retain all duplicated tuples, use the corresponding operations UNION ALL, INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT ALL.
  • Suppose a tuple t occurs m times in R and n times in S;
    • R UNION ALL S : (m + n) times occurs.
    • R INTERSECT ALL S : Min(m, n) times occurs.
    • R EXCEPT ALL S : Max(0, m – n) times occurs

  • Retrieve SSN and name of employees with age > 40 or sex = ‘male’.


  • This is equivalent to :


  • Retrieve SSN of employees with any no dependents.


  • Retrieve all project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose name is ‘Bob’ as a worker, and as a manager of the department that controls the project.


NULL Values

  • NULL represents missing values; It has 3 different meanings :
    • (1) Unknown (exists, but unknown):
      • Someone has ‘blood-type’, but currently is not known.
    • (2) Unavailable (exists, but is withheld):
      • Someone has ‘phone-number’ but does not want it to be listed.
    • (3) No applicable (undefined or non-existent):
      • ‘spouse’ may be NULL for unmarried someone.
  • It is not possible to distinguish these 3 meanings: For example, Suppose many persons have “NULL value for phone-number”; How can we interpret this?

  • Let X have the value NULL;
    • (1) Any arithmetic operation with NULL returns “NULL”.
      • X + 5, X – 5, X * 5, . . .
    • (2) Any comparison with NULL returns “UNKOWN” :
      • X < 5, X = 5, X = NULL, X <> 5, . . .
  • Note that “UNKOWN” is another truth value like TRUE and FALSE.
  • SQL provides IS NULL (or IS NOT NULL) for dealing NULL values;
  • “X IS NULL” returns “TRUE” if X has NULL value; It returns “FALSE” otherwise.

  • SQL uses a three-valued logic: TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN


  • To understand how 3-valued logic works:
    • Let T = 1, F = 0, U = ½,
    • AND = MIN, OR = MAX, NOT(X) = 1 - X
  • Example:
    • T AND (F OR NOT(U)) = MIN(1, MAX(0, (1 - ½ )))
    • = MIN(1, MAX(0, ½ ) = MIN(1, ½ ) = ½ (= U).

  • Result of WHERE condition is treated as FALSE if it evaluates to UNKNOWN.
  • Tuples that are evaluated to only TRUE are selected.
    • Thus, tuples with either FALSE or UNKNOWN values are not selected from the result.


  • Is this tuple selected? Answer: NO!


  • In this case, we need to use IS NULL to check whether the salary attribute has NULL or not.


  • Now, all tuples are selected!

Use of JOIN Operators

  • SQL permits users to specify join operators in FROM clause; This is easier to understand than mixing together select and join conditions in WHERE;


Nested Queries (= Subqueries)

  • A query that is part of another query is called a subquery (or nested query);
  • Subquery can have many nested subquries as we want;
  • There are many other ways that subqury can be used;
    • (1) Subquery can return constant value(s), and this value can be compared with another value in WHERE clause;
    • (2) Subquery can return relation (a set of tuples) that can be used in various ways in WHERE clause;
    • (3) Subquery can have their relations appear in FROM clause;

  • A nested query can be specified within the WHERE-clause of another query, called the outer query
  • Single query :


  • Nested Query : Having executed nested query returns ‘research’ number; Then, outer query returns SSN(s) only if its DNO is equal to result of nested query.


  • Question: What if there are more than one research dept numbers?

Nested Queries : IN

  • A nested query can be compared with outer query by using IN operator;
  • (v IN V ) compares a value v (in outer query) with the value(s) V (in nested query), and returns “true” if v is included in V. Otherwise, return “false”;


  • SQL allows use of (sub)tuples of values in comparisons by placing them within parenthesis;
  • Get SSNs of employees who work for the same (project, hours) on some project that employee with SSN = ‘123456789’ works on;


  • Get names of employees who work for the same (project, hours) on some project that employee with SSN = ‘123456789’ works on;


Nested Queries : NOT IN

  • (v NOT IN V ) compares a value v (in outer query) with the value(s) V (in nested query), and returns “true” if v is not included in V. Otherwise, return “false”;
  • Retrieve names of employees with no dependents.


  • Retrieve names of employees whose names are neither Smith nor Jones.


Nested Queries : Use of Tuple Variables

  • Nested Queries also can use tuple variables;
  • Retrieve names of employees who have a dependent with the same sex as the employees.


Nested Queries : SOME (= ANY)

  • SOME (= ANY) can be used with {<, >, =, <=, >=, <>} operators:
    • For example, (v > SOME V ) returns “true” if the value v is greater than some of the values in a set V.
  • Get SSNs of employees whose salary is greater than salary of some employees in department 5:


Example : Meaning of SOME

  • Example
    • (5 < SOME {0, 5, 7} ) = true ) = false
    • (5 <> SOME {0, 5, 7}) = true
    • (5 < SOME {1, 3, 5}
    • (5 = SOME {0, 5, 7} ) = true
  • 참조: (= SOME)은 IN 과 동일한 표현임. 반면에, (<> SOME)은 NOT IN 과 동일하지 않음.

Nested Queries : ALL

  • ALL can be used with {<, >, =, <=, >=, <>} operators:
    • For example, (v > ALL V ) returns “true” if the value v is greater than all the values in a set V
  • Get SSNs of employees whose salary is greater than salary of all the employees in department 5:


Example : Meaning of ALL

  • Example
    • (5 < ALL {0, 5, 6} ) = false) = true
    • (5 <> ALL {4, 6, 8} ) = true
    • (5 > ALL {0, 3, 4}
    • (5 = ALL {4, 5, 7} ) = false
  • 참조: (<> ALL)은 NOT IN 과 동일한 표현임. 반면에, (= ALL)은 IN 과 동일하지 않음.

Nested Queries : EXISTS

  • EXISTS(Q) returns “true” if there is at least one tuple (= not empty) in the result of a nested query Q. Otherwise, it returns “false”
  • Retrieve SSNs of employees who have dependent(s).


  • Retrieve names of employees who have a dependent with the same sex as the employees


Nested Queries : NOT EXISTS

  • NOT EXISTS(Q) returns “true” if there no tuple (= empty) in the result of a nested query Q. Otherwise, it returns “false”.
  • Retrieve SSNs of employees who have no dependent.


  • Retrieve names of employees whose sex are not the same with any dependent or with no dependent.


  • Retrieve names of employees whose salary are greater than salary of all the employees with age < 25.


  • Question: Suppose that age of all employees are >= 25; Then, what is the query result?

Division Query : NOT EXISTS and EXCEPT

  • Retrieve name of each employee who work on all the projects controlled by department 5.


Aggregate Functions
