[Database] Relational Schema Design ER to Relational Mapping
ER schema
Mapping Result : Relational schema
What to Map?
- (Regular) Entity Types
- Weak Entity Types
- Binary 1 : M Relationships
- Binary M : N Relationships
- Binary 1 : 1 Relationships
- Recursive Relationships
- Multi-Valued Attributes
- Superclass/Subclass : IS-A Relationship
Mapping Guidelines
- Need to satisfy the following constraints;
- 1 : M, M : N, 1 : 1 relationship
- Total / Partial participation
- Key Integrity
- Referential Integrity
- Avoid many null values.
- Consider performance (= retrieval time).
- Avoid redundancy
Entity Types
- For regular entity type E, create a relation R that includes all the simple attributes of E.
- Choose one of the keys of E as primary key (PK) for R.
- If the chosen key of E is composite, the set of simple attributes that form it will together form the PK of R.
- Each entity in E corresponds a row (tuple) in R
- Each attribute in E corresponds a column (attribute) in R
Weak Entity Types
- For weak entity type W, create a relation R and include all the attributes of W.
- Find W’s owner entity type E;
- Include as foreign key (FK) of R the PK of the owner E.
- PK of R is {PK of owner E, partial key of R}
1 : M Relationship
- Case 1 : Both sides are ‘Total’:
- For 1 : M relationship R, create a relation S representing the entity type at the “M-side” of the relationship.
- Include as FK in S the PK of the relation T that represents the entity type at the “1 – side”.
- : Why? This is because we must satisfy key integrity;
- Include any simple attributes of the 1 : M relationship as attributes of S.
- Case 2 : Both sides are ‘Partial’
- For 1 : M relationship R, create a new relation S to represent R.
- Include as FK in S the PKs of each relations that represent the participating entity types;
- : Why? This is because we need to avoid many null values.)
- Also, include any simple attributes of the relationship type R as attributes of S.
M : N Relationship
- For M : N relationship R, create a new relation S to represent R.
- Include as FK in S the PKs of each relations that represent the participating entity types;
- The combination of each FKs will form the PK of S.
- Also, include any simple attributes of the M : N relationship type as attributes of S.
1 : 1 Relationship
For 1 : 1 relationship R, create the relations S and T that correspond to the entity types participating in R.
- Case 1. Foreign Key : Two Relations
- The one side (say, S) is total and the other side (say, T) is partial.
- Include as FK in relation S the PK of relation T.
- Case 2. Merge relations : Single Relation
- Both sides (say, S and T) are total.
- Merge two relations S and T and their relationship into a single relation.
- Case 3. Create a new relation : Three Relations
- Both sides (say, S and T) are partial.
- Create a new relation R by including the PKs of the relations S and T.
1 : M Relationship
1 : 1 Relationship
M : N Relationship
Recursive Relationship: Exercise
Multi-Valued Attributes
- For each multi-valued attribute A, create a new relation R.
- R includes the attribute A, plus the PK K of the relation S that represents the entity type including A. Then, remove A from the relation S.
- The PK of R is {A, K} where K is FK.
- If the multi-valued attribute is composite, we include its simple components.