3 분 소요



  • Data
    • : Structured, Semi-structured, Unstructured
  • Database: A Collection of Data
    • Relevant
    • Huge Volume
    • Disk Resident
    • Operational: Retrieve, Insert, Update, Delete
    • Shared by Multiple Users
  • Database Management System (DBMS)
    • : A software package to store and manage databases.
  • Database System
    • : Database + DBMS

Database Example: University

  • Entities:
    • STUDENTs
    • COURSEs
    • SECTIONs
    • . . . . . . . .
  • Relationships:
    • STUDENTs have grade-report with SECTIONs
    • COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs
    • STUDENTs have advisor among PROFESSORs
    • COURSEs are reserved by CLASSROOMs


Simplified Database System


Without DBMS : File Systems

  • Controlled by OS
  • Data is stored as records in traditional regular files
  • Records have a simple structure and fixed number of fields
  • File structures are embedded in application programs
  • No query language for retrieving/updating data
  • No special programs manage and control data


Why DBMS? : Problems of File Systems

  • Difficulty for Data Abstraction
    • Users must specify physical structures of database on their application programs.
    • It is hard to hide complex physical structures to users.

  • Data/Program Dependency Problem
    • User application program is dependent on physical structures of database stored on disk.
    • If physical structures are changed, then its application program also must be changed; Thus, Need to rewrite new program.

  • Data Redundancy Problem
    • Duplicates of same information may exist on files
    • Storage Waste, Data Inconsistency

  • Difficulty for Data Integrity
    • DB must obey and check integrity constraints .
    • Example:
      • Student IDs must be distinct.
      • Bank account balance > $100.
      • Every student takes 3 ~ 6 courses per semester.

  • Difficulty for Query Processing
    • Need optimal query optimization for fast query processing.
    • Uncontrolled query processing can lead to incredibly slow response time.

  • Difficulty for Concurrent Access
    • Need to allow for many users to access database at the same time
    • Uncontrolled accesses can lead to inconsistencies;
    • Example : Money transfer from account A to B and withdraw from B.
    • Concurrency control must be needed.

  • Difficulty for Data Recovery
    • System failures may leave database in inconsistencies.
    • Example : Failure during money transfer from account A to B.
    • Must restore data to correct state.

  • Difficulty for Data Security
    • Need to prohibit some users to access to sensitive data.
    • Need to classify access authorizations retrieval and updates.

What DBMS Provides?

  • Data abstraction (Insulation of program and data)
  • Create database on a secondary storage.
  • Query language for retrieving/updating database
  • Sharing of data among multiple users
  • Transaction Control : Concurrent Processing
  • Restricting unauthorized access to data.
  • Recovery from system failures.
  • Query Optimizer for efficient query processing

DBMS Architecture


Database Query Language

  • Database Query Language consist of two parts:
    • (1) DDL (Data Definition Language)
      • Define schema, table, and views
    • (2) DML (Data Manipulation Language)
      • Retrieve and modify database instances
  • SQL is the most widely used query language

Storing Database

  • Typical Database Files (= Physical Structures)
    • Heap File
    • Sequential File
    • Indexing File : B+ Tree
    • Hashing File

ANSI : 3-Schema Architecture

  • Data in DBMS is described by schemas at 3 levels:
    • Physical Schema
      • Describe internal structures of database (How data stored physically?)
  • Conceptual schema
    • Describe conceptual structures of database (What is meaning of data?)
  • External schemas (= Views)
    • Describe the various user needs. (What is use (part) of data?)

Levels of Abstractions in DBMS: 3 Schema Architecture

  • Data in DBMS is described at three levels :


3-Schema Architecture : Example

  • External schema (View):
    • Senior_Cust (cname: string, age: string)
    • Buy_Info (cname: string, pname: string, price: real)
  • Conceptual schema:
    • Customers (cid: string, cname: string, age: integer)
    • Purchase (cid: string, pid: string, price: real)
    • Products (pid: string, pname: string, color: string)
  • Physical schema:
    • Customers stored as ordered(sorted) by cname.
    • Products stored as (Hash) Index on cid

3-Schema Architecture : Advantages

  • Separate application programs and physical database.
  • Support multiple user views
  • Higher level schema hides low level schemas
    • Conceptual schema hides physical schema
    • External schema hides conceptual schema
  • Can provide data independence more easily
    • Logical Data Independence
    • Physical Data Independence



