7 분 소요


Vis Design

  • Your boss: “Develop a vis interface for this data.”
  • What you do:
    • Get the data
    • Get some examples and libraries on the Web
    • Implement and customize your visualization
    • You in the next meeting: “This is our vis interface.”
  • This is what many data scientists actually do in their company.

  • Problems:
    • You cannot answer “Why is yours effective?”
    • You cannot answer “Why is yours better than other designs?”
    • You cannot evaluate your vis quantitatively nor qualitatively.
  • Why this happened? Because you didn’t define the problem to solve using vis.
  • How can we design and validate a vis crrectly?

Four Levels of Vis Design

  • First part of the question: how do we design a vis?
  • Our framework: splitting the vis design process into four cascading levels


  • Domain situation: you consider the details of a particular application domain for vis.
  • Domain: a particular field of interest of the target users of a vis tool.
  • Example questions:
    • Who are the users?
    • What are their ultimate goal?
    • Why cannot their tasks be automated?

  • What-why abstraction: you map those domain-specific problems and data into forms that are independent of the domain.
  • Example questions:
    • What are the dataset types (tables/networks/geometry, $\dots$)?
    • What are the attribute types (categorical/ordinal)?
    • What are the tasks?
  • Use the terminology we learned!


  • How abstraction: you design idioms that specify the approach to visual encoding and interaction.
  • Idioms: vis and interaction techniques (a bar chart, a scatterplot, $\dots$)
  • Example questions:
    • What visual marks and channels can be used?
    • What interactions can be adopted?
  • Use the terminology we learned!

  • Algorithm implementation: you design and implement algorithms!
  • Example questions:
    • What algorithms should be used for computation?
    • Into what components the system can be modularized?
  • This is what “programmers” do.

  • A block is the outcome of the design process at one level.
  • The outcome from an upstream level is input to the downstream level.
  • Choosing the wrong block at an upstream level inevitably cascades to all downstream levels!
    • e.g., Even though your implementation was good, if you misdesigned the vis encoding, your system would not solve the intended problem.

Iterative Design Process

  • Although the blocks cascade, this doesn’t mean that your design should follow the waterfall model.
    • The waterfall model is usually bad!
  • You can do it iteratively!


  • Even the actual users have difficulties in articulating their goals and needs in a clear-cut way
    • Not familiar with technical terms/SW development/vis
  • Iterative design process in practice:
    • 1st meeting: 20% of domain situation/goals/data/tasks identified.
    • Prototype a vis
    • 2nd meeting: bring the prototype and talk about it. 40% identified.
    • Improve the prototype
    • 3rd meeting: 60% identified
    • $\dots$


Domain Situation

  • Goal: Identify situation blocks
  • Working with users to iteratively refine a design (user-centered design or human-centered design)
  • Observe what they actually do! Not just hear from them.
  • A computational biologist working in the field of comparative genomics, using genomic sequence data to ask questions about the genetic source of adaptivity in a species.
    • What are the differences between individual nucleotides of feature pairs?
    • What is the density of coverage and where are the gaps across a chromosome?

Task and Data Abstraction

  • Goal: Identify task blocks and design data blocks
  • Identify task blocks:
    • Abstract domain-specific vocabulary into the domain-independent vocabulary.
    • Abstract tasks (browsing, comparing, and summarizing)
    • Help future vis designers interested in the same domain!
  • Design data blocks:
    • Design data blocks not just select them.
    • Choose the right from for data and transformation between them (e.g., even though users say a table, it can be a tree in fact).

Visual Encoding and Interaction Idiom

  • Goal: Design idiom blocks
  • The visual encoding idiom controls what users see (marks and channels).
  • The interaction idiom controls how users change what they see.
  • The design space of static visual encoding idioms is already huge, and it grows even bigger when you consider the manipulation between them.


  • Goal: Implement algorithms
  • Implement algorithms that efficiently handle visual encoding and interaction idioms.
    • Knowledge on computer graphics can be a plus.
  • Consider the speed of computation and the memory footprint
  • Latency is very important in vis [Niel94].
    • 0.1 s for continuous feedback (animation)
    • 1 s for maintaining the user’s flow of thought
    • 10 s for keeping the user’s attention

Perceptual Fusion

  • Two stimuli within a perceptual processor cycle appear fused → the first event appears to cause the other.


Threats to Validity

  • Each level of the four levels has a different set of threats to validity.
  • Threats to validity: Reasons why you might have made the wrong choices.


  • Immediate validation approaches take place before you entering the next level.
    • Not many since they require results from the downstream levels nested within them
    • Prevent you from making poor choices
  • Downstream validation approaches happen at the end of each level.
    • Necessary for papers to be published


Domain Validation

  • You can conduct a field study to validate the domain situation block.
    • You observe how people act in real-world settings, rather than by bringing them into a laboratory setting.
  • e.g., contextual inquiry
    • Observe users working in their real-world context and interrupt them to ask questions when clarification is needed
    • Better than silent observation
    • [Holtzblatt and Jones 93]

Idiom Validation

  • As immediate validation for the idiom level, you should justify your idiom choices.
    • Why specific idioms were chosen (and others not)?
    • Justify the design with respect to known perceptual and cognitive principles
    • Ensure that your design does not violate known guidelines (e.g., scalability).

  • “We chose vis idiom X since it was found that idiom X outperforms others for ABC tasks [ref].”
  • “We limited # of color bands in vis to 4 due to the perceptual limitation in color judgement.”
  • “We adopted a filtering interaction since the scatterplot is not effective for 10 K data points.”

Algorithm Validation

  • To validate the algorithm level immediately, you can analyze computational complexity.
    • “The time complexity of our algorithm is 𝑂(𝑁𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑁) which is better than the baseline.”
  • After implementation, you can conduct benchmarks.
    • “Our algorithm was faster than the baseline.”

Idiom Validation

  • You can conduct a lab study to validate idiom abstraction.
    • A controlled experiment in a lab setting
    • Sometimes called a user study
  • Quantitative: time spent, # of errors made, logging actions, tracking eye movements, $\dots$
  • Qualitative: questionnaires, interviews, $\dots$

  • Attach images and videos that demonstrate your work
    • Useful especially when there is an explicit discussion pointing out the desirable properties in the results
    • “The cluttering problem is alleviated in Area A in Figure B $\dots$”
  • Use quality metrics if exist: edge crossings, edge bends, structural similarity (SSIM), $\dots$

Abstraction Validation

  • You can conduct a case study to validate task/data abstraction
    • you invite members of the target user community, ask them to use the tool, and collect anecdotal evidence of utility.
    • “The experts found the system useful in $\dots$”
    • Qualitative (but try to be quantitative!)
  • Field studies are also possible.

Domain Validation

  • For downstream validation, you can investigate how your vis tool has been adopted by the target audience.
  • i.e., adoption rates
  • It does not tell the whole story but can be a Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Validate Everything?

  • It is impossible to address all four levels in detail in a single research paper.
    • Limited time and space
  • In practice, we use a small subset of validation methods focusing on validating what we claim.

Two Angles of Attack for Vis Design

  • With problem-driven work, you start at the top domain situation level and walk your way down through abstraction, idiom, and algorithm decisions.
    • Top-down approach
    • Called a design paper, an application paper, or a design study
  • In technique-driven work, you work at one of the bottom two levels, idiom or algorithm design.
    • Bottom-up approach
    • Called a technique paper or an algorithm paper
    • Many people think InfoVis is about creating a new visualization, but only few idioms are newly reported every year!

  • https://ieeevis.org/year/2023/info/call-participation/call-for-participation


Validate What You Claimed

  • To validate problem-driven work (an application paper), you should bring the actual users in the design.
    • Field study, case study, domain expert feedback, $\dots$
    • Lab studies or performance benchmarks are not necessary.
  • To validate technique-driven work, you should report some quantitative results.
    • Lab studies for new visualizations and interactions
    • Benchmarks for new algorithms
  • If there is a mismatch, your paper is very unlikely to be published.

Validation Example

  • Henry and Fekete, “MatrixExplorer: a Dual-Representation System to Explore Social Networks” (TVCG, 2006)


  • Eliciting requirements


  • Don’t make your paper a manual
  • Justify encoding/interaction design based on the observation


  • At the algorithm level, the focus is on the reordering algorithm.
  • Downstream benchmark timings are mentioned very briefly.


  • Qualitative result image analysis


Summary: Validation

