5 분 소요



  • There are three terms to describe the general concept of quantity of light:
  • Luminance: the measured amount of (physical)
    • Can be measured by a photometer
    • SI unit: candela per square meter (cd/m^2) or nit
  • Brightness: the perceived amount of light
  • Lightness: perceived reflectance of a surface

Brightness vs Lightness

  • Brightness is used when we talk about things that are self-luminous.
    • “The sun is bright.”
    • “That lamp is dim.”
    • Sometimes, we say “bright colors” but it is not scientific from a vis point of view.
    • Don’t say “Your shirt is bright red.” (use vivid instead)
  • Brightness is the perceived amount of luminance.
  • So, it follows Stevens’s Power Law.
  • 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 𝐿𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒^𝑛

  • Brightness is important when you realize your visualizations on monitors.
  • Monitors are self-luminous.
    • e.g., you can adjust the brightness of your monitor.
  • However, in this class, we will focus on color itself not its realization, so you will not see the term “brightness”.

  • Lightness is important in vis. It is the perceived reflectance of a surface.
    • It involves a surface and reflectance on it.
  • A white surface is light, but a black surface is dark
  • Our eyes do not perceive the absolute amount of light.


Lightness Constancy

  • We have an ability to perceive the relative reflectance of objects despite changes in illumination.
    • This is called color/lightness constancy
  • Very powerful. You can name the color of a thing in a very dim room.
  • Color/Lightness perception is contextual.

  • Sometimes, it is too strong…





  • Luminance: physical property of a self luminous thing
  • Brightness: perceived luminance (no surface, non linear, dim to bright)
  • Lightness: perceived reflectance (surface, non linear, relative, dark to light)
  • In the HSL color space, L means lightness not luminance.
  • In the CIELAB color space, L* means lightness not luminance.


  • In our textbook, VAD, the author used the terms luminance , hue , and saturation to describe color.
    • Here, luminance means the black and white visual channel not a physical property.
    • These terms are independent to any of the color spaces, such as RGB, HSL (L for lightness!), CIERGB, CIEXYZ, …
  • But, when you realize color encoding, you must use at least one color space to represent your colors, such as RGB, so that your graphic devices can encode & decode colors.


Color Encoding

  • The color channel can be used to visualize both categorical (nominal or ordinal) and quantitative data.
  • Basic ideas:
  • Hue for nominal data
  • Luminance or saturation for ordinal or quantitative data


Hue for Nominal

  • The identity channel of hue is extremely effective for nominal data and showing groupings.




  • Hue does not have an implicit perceptual ordering.
  • Nominal data also do not have ordering.
    • The characteristics of data and the visual channel agree! –> good encoding
  • Sometimes, people do learn some conventions.
    • Red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet for rainbow
    • Red-yellow-green for traffic lights
    • But these orderings are at a higher level than pure perception.

Luminance/Saturation for Ordinal/Quantitative

  • The magnitude channels of luminance and saturation for ordered data.
  • Luminance
    • It is hard to perceive whether noncontiguous regions have the same luminance because of contrast effects.
    • Use less than five bins when the background is not uniform.
  • Saturation
    • The number of discriminable steps for saturation is low (~ 3 bins)



  • Transparency is the fourth channel for describing colors, e.g., rgba
  • Encoding data to opacity is not a good idea because it strongly interacts with luminance and saturation.
  • This channel is used most often with superimposed layers with redundant encoding.


  • A colormap maps data values to colors.
    • a.k.a. color ramp
  • Two types:
    • Categorical (= nominal)
      • Binary: when there are only two categorical values
    • Ordered
      • Sequential: from minimum to maximum
      • Diverging: two hues at the endpoints and a neutral color as a mid point


  • These colormaps are all discrete (or segmented) colormaps.
    • cf. continuous colormaps

  • There are only two categories in binary colormaps
  • No need for using hue. Leave it for other data attributes.


  • Categorical colormaps: if there are more than two categories, we need to use the hue channel!
  • Use distinguishable hues!


  • If there is a neutral value in data, use diverging colormap
  • Usually, encode the neutral value to less distinct colors (e.g., gray) and use a different hue for each side.


  • For sequential data, use sequential colormaps.
  • The luminance channel is effective for ordered data.


  • Bivariate colormaps encode two different attributes at the same time.
  • But, it can be difficult to interpret when both attributes have multiple levels.


Bivariate Colormap Example


Categorical Colormaps

  • Categories to colors (usually with hue)
  • The number of discriminable colors for coding small separated regions is limited to between six and twelve bins
  • For memorability, use easily nameable colors.
    • 4 categories: red, blue, green and yellow
    • +6 categories: orange, brown, pink, magenta, purple, and cyan

  • There are important issues when designing categorical colormaps.
  • Consider luminance
    • It is not a good idea to use yellow against a white background (less luminance contrast, hard to read)
  • Consider mark type
    • Colors for small regions should be highly saturated, but larger regions such as areas should have low saturation.
  • Consider color deficiency
  • Consider printing (black and white)

  • Saturation vs Size Data



  • 21 categorical colors are too many!
  • On the right, we can only see colors as groups (e.g., green areas).
  • Alternatives? data transformations or using other channels together


Useful Resources



Ordered Colormaps


  • Ordered colormaps
    • Sequential
    • Diverging
  • Sequential colormaps range from a minimum value to a maximum value.
  • Diverging colormaps map a midpoint to an off white color and two ends to two fully saturated colors with different hues.


Rainbow Colormaps are Bad!

  • Many visualizations in the real world adopt rainbow colormaps for sequential data, but it is considered a (very) bad practice.
  • Advantages:
    • Vis seems colorful (?).
    • Areas are easily nameable, e.g., “see blue areas.” Data


  • Disadvantages:
    • Hue is used to indicate order, but there is no implicit ordering between hues!
    • The scale is not perceptually linear.
      • Some colors, such as yellow and sky-blue, seem lighter than others.
    • The detail cannot be perceived with the hue channel.
      • Remember, most details should be conveyed by the luminance channel.
      • Luminance contrast is required for edge detection in the human eye.

  • If you want to reveal large scale structure, use only two hues and change the saturation (i.e., diverging colormaps).


  • If you want to reveal fine structure, use a multiple hue continuous colormap with monotonically increasing luminance.
      • categorization becomes easier!


  • If you really want to use rainbow colormaps, use perceptually linear alternatives.


Rainbow Alternatives

  • Colorful, perceptually uniform, colorblind safe, monotonically increasing luminance


Cultural Bias



Summary: Colors (Encoding)

  • Luminance: physical intensity of light per area
  • Brightness: perceptual luminance
  • Lightness: perceptual reflectance (needs a surface)
  • Use the hue channel for identity or categorical data.
  • Use the luminance and saturation channels for magnitude or quantitative data.
  • Rainbow is bad!
    • Perceptually non linear, hue is not for quantitative data, no ordering

  • For categorical colormaps, use:


  • For sequential colormaps, use:


  • For divierging colormaps, use:


  • Colorful, perceptually uniform, colorblind safe, monotonically increasing luminance

