8 분 소요


Other Visual Channels

  • Size (magnitude)
    • Length
    • Area
    • Volume
  • Angle (magnitude)
  • Curvature (magnitude)
  • Shape (identity)
  • Motion (both)
  • Texture (both)


Size Channel

  • Length
    • 1-dimensional size
    • width: horizontal size
    • height: vertical size
    • Extremely accurate
  • Area
    • Significantly less accurate than length
    • Width and height have some interference
  • Volume
    • Inaccurate


Size Channel Example


Orientation Channel

  • Orientation channels encode magnitude information based on the orientation of a mark.
  • Tilt: absolute orientation
  • Angle: relative orientation
  • We have very accurate perceptions of angles near the exact horizontal, vertical, or diagonal positions.
  • Easy to distinguish 89° from 90°, but not 37° from 38°


Orientation Channel Example


Curvature and Shape Channels

  • Curvature (magnitude)
    • Not very accurate
    • # of distinguishable bins is low (2 ~ 3)


  • Shape (identity)
    • In a broad sense, the shape channel refers to a complex perceptual phenomenon, including closure, curvature, termination, and intersection.
    • Dotted lines, dashed lines, …
    • Narrowly, it refers to the symbol for a point.
    • Closely related to size


Motion Channel

  • Motion: direction, velocity, frequency, …
    • Oscillation frequently used
    • Less studied
    • Extremely salient
  • Strength AND weakness: motion strongly draws attention
    • Impossible to ignore
    • e.g., flickering and blinking
  • Usually used for highlighting
    • Notification, updates, …

Texture Channel

  • Texture refers to very small scale patterns.
    • Orientation + scale + contrast
    • Used both for magnitude and identity
    • Frequently used in cartography
  • For identity: 10 ~ 20 distinguishable bins
  • For magnitude: 3 ~ 4 distinguishable bins
    • With all three channels together, it can scale up to a dozen.
    • Very careful design is needed!

Why Arrange?

  • We will learn design choices for how to arrange tabular data spatially.
  • Arrange means the use of spatial channels for visual encoding.
  • Spatial position is the most effective visual channel for all attribute types: nominal, ordinal, and quantitative.
  • In short, how to use the position channel?

  • Key: an independent attribute that can be used as a unique index to look up items in a table
    • e.g., student id
    • Usually categorical (C) or ordinal (O)
  • Value: a dependent variable
    • e.g., name
    • C, O, or quantitative (Q).
  • Level: # of unique values for a categorical or ordinal attribute
    • i.e., cardinality
    • The level (or cardinality) of the grade attribute is 9 (A+ ~ F).

Quantitative Values

  • Scatterplots (산점도) encode two Q variables using both the vertical and horizontal spatial position channels.
    • Input: two Q variables (two values)
    • Mark: point
    • Channels: 𝑄1 ⇒ 𝑥 and 𝑄2 ⇒ 𝑦
  • Effective for
    • providing overviews
    • characterizing distributions
    • finding outliers and extreme values
    • judging correlation



  • Additional transformations can be used with scatterplots.
    • e.g., log transformation on the y axis
  • Can be augmented with color encoding or size encoding.
    • Size encoded scatterplots are called bubble plots.


  • Scalability is the major limitation of scatterplots.
    • When # of items increases, scatterplots easily become over-crowded (visual clutter).
    • The opacity of points is usually adjusted.


Categorical Keys

  • If there are categorical variables to visualize, we will draw items with the same categorical values in the same region.
    • Similar to a group by operation
  • List alignment (one key): bar charts, stacked bar charts, streamgraph, dot and line charts
  • Matrix alignment (two keys): cluster heatmap, and scatterplot matrix
  • Volumetric grid (three keys), recursive subdivision (multiple keys): not covered today

Bar Charts

  • Bar charts(막대그래프) encode one Q variable and one C or O variable using both the vertical and horizontal spatial position channels.
    • Input: one key (C or O) and one value (Q)
    • Mark: line
    • Channels: 𝑘 𝑒𝑦 𝑥 and 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑦 ( or 𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝑦 and 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑥 (horizontal)


  • Effective for value lookup and comparison
  • Scalability
    • Enough room on the screen is required to have white space between bar line marks.
    • e.g., 1920 px => dozens to hundreds of bars



Stacked Bar Charts

  • Stacked bar charts (누적그래프) encode one Q variable and two C or O variables using both the vertical and horizontal spatial position channels.
    • Input: two keys (C or O) and one value (Q)
    • Mark: line
    • Channels: 𝑘𝑒 𝑦 1 𝑥 𝑘𝑒 𝑦 2 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 , and 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
  • Without color or explicit outlines, 𝑘𝑒 𝑦 2 is indistinguishable.

  • The heights of the lowest bar component and the full combined bar are both easy to compare.
    • i.e., position on a common scale
  • Bars in the stack (except the lowest) are more difficult to compare since they are not aligned.
    • i.e., length
  • Scalability
    • 𝑘𝑒𝑦 1 : similar to standard bar charts (~ dozens or 𝑘𝑒𝑦 2 : needs hue encoding (~dozen)




  • A streamgraph is a generalized stacked bar chart to a continuous x domain.
    • Stacked bars => stacked layers
  • The shape of the layout is optimized for multiple factors.
    • e.g., the external silhouette of the shape, deviation of each layer from the baseline, and the amount of wiggle in the baseline



Dot Charts

  • Dot charts encode one Q variable and one C or O variable using vertical and horizontal spatial channels.
    • Similar to bar charts, but with point marks




Line Charts

  • Line charts encode one Q variable and one C or O variable using vertical and horizontal spatial channels with connection marks.


  • Line charts should be used for ordered keys but not categorical keys.
    • Can give a falsely illusion about ordering (expressiveness principle)


  • Be careful when interpolating lines (false maximum).


List Alignment Summary

  • List alignment (one key): bar charts, stacked bar charts, streamgraph, dot and line charts
    • All the idioms in this category placed one C or O variable to an axis (e.g.,x ) and one Q variable to the other axis (e.g., y).
  • What if two keys need to be visualized?
  • Matrix alignment (two keys): cluster heatmap, and scatterplot matrix
    • One key to an axis (e.g.,x ) and the other key to the other axis (e.g., y)


  • Heatmaps encode two C or O variables and one Q variable.
    • Input: two keys (C or O) and one value (Q)
    • Mark: area
    • Channels:𝑘𝑒 𝑦 1 𝑥 𝑘𝑒 𝑦 2 𝑦 , and 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟


  • Small area marks in heatmaps are very compact.
    • providing overviews
    • high information density
  • Theoretically, one pixel can be a mark.
    • 1,000 px * 1,000 px => 1 million data items
  • However, only a small number of levels of the Q variable is distinguishable
    • 3 ~ 11 bins
    • color perception in small noncontiguous regions.


Cluster Heatmap

  • Cluster heatmaps additionally visualize the similarity between rows and columns.


Hierarchical Clustering

  • Hierarchical clustering (HC) builds a hierarchy between item similarities.
      1. Find the most similar pair from
      1. Remove the two items in the pair from D and add their average to D
      1. Repeat 1 and 2 until only one item remains in D
  • How to average?
  • How to measure the distance between items or clusters?


Scatterplot Matrix

  • A scatterplot matrix (SPLOM) shows all possible pairwise combinations of attributes as scatterplots in a grid.
  • Useful when you don’t have knowledge about which attribute to see.
    • You can see all bivariate distributions in data

  • To be discernable, each scatterplot should have 100 x 100 pixels at least.
    • About one dozen attributes are supported.


  • One limitation of SPLOM is that if there are n variables, we need to draw 𝑛𝐶2 scatterplots.


More Keys?

  • We learned visualization idioms for one key and two keys.
  • What about more than two keys?
  • Volumetric grids are used for three keys.
    • Good for SciVis , but not recommend when there is no given
  • Another technique is recursive subdivision for multiple keys that we will learn soon.

Spatial Axis Orientation

  • So far, we have used two perpendicular axes, x and y
  • But they do not have to be perpendicular!
    • They can be either parallel or radial.
  • Parallel layout: parallel coordinates (PC)
  • Radial layout: radial bar charts, pie charts, radar charts

Parallel Coordinates

  • Parallel coordinates (PCs) are effective when visualizing many quantitative attributes at once using spatial position.
  • One row as a polyline!


  • Originally, PCs were designed for checking correlation between two adjacent axes.


  • If there are too many items, PCs become overplotted.
  • # of items: hundreds
  • # of attributes (or axes): dozens



Radial Bar Charts

  • Radial bar charts are similar to bar charts but use a radial layout.
    • Data types and marks are the same.
    • The only difference is the radial vs. the rectilinear orientation of the axes.


Radar Charts

  • Another example of the use of radial layouts is radar charts.
  • Similar to radial bar charts, but use a polyline mark instead of line marks.


  • he area of a polyline usually means an overall quantity of an item.
    • e.g., overall performance of a player

Pie Charts and Polar Area Charts

  • Pie charts (a) encode a single Q attribute with area marks and the angle channel.
    • Popular, but note that angle judgements on area marks are less accurate than length judgements on line marks.
  • Polar area charts encode a single Q attribute but varies the length of the wedge just as a bar chart varies the length of the bar.
    • Note that the angle is evenly distributed to keys.


Pie Charts

  • Pie charts are useful when you want to show the relative contribution of parts to a whole.
    • The sum of the wedge angles must add up to the 360 of a full circle.
  • However, such relative contribution of parts to a whole can be also visualized through normalized stacked bar charts or stacked bar charts.



Rectilinear vs. Radial

  • [Diehl et al. 10] compared radial and rectilinear layouts focusing on the abstract task of memorizing positions of objects for a few seconds.
  • Rectilinear layouts were better in terms of speed and accuracy.
  • But, radial layouts are more effective at showing cyclic patterns [Wickhamet al. 12].


Summary: Arrange Table

  • Arrange: how to use spatial position channels
  • 1 Key + 1 Value: bar charts, streamgraphs, dot charts, and line charts, stacked bar charts
  • 2 Keys + 1 Value: heatmaps and cluster heatmaps
  • 2 Values: scatterplot
  • Multiple Values: scatterplot matrix, parallel coordinate (parallel layout), polar area charts (single item, radial layout), radar charts (single item, radial layout)
  • Percentage Comparison: pie charts and normalized stacked bar charts
