5 분 소요


Networks and Trees

  • A network (or graph) is made up of nodes and links and specifies the relationship between two or more nodes.
    • Trees do not have cycles.
  • Nodes and links can have attributes independently.
  • Example: social network on Facebook
    • Node: accounts (people, organizations, or pages)
    • Link: friendship (or subscription)
    • Node attributes: name, photo, website_url, …
    • Link attributes: last interaction time, …

Network Visualization in InfoVis

  • Network visualization is one of the oldest research areas in InfoVis.
  • Flight network
  • Road network (junctions and roads)
  • World Wide Web
  • Social networks
  • Biological pathways
  • Bitcoin Transactions
  • Artificial Neural Networks

Two Families of Visualization

  • Node link diagram
    • Uses the connection channels
  • Adjacency Matrix
  • The big question: which is better?
    • Scalability
    • Effectiveness
    • Interactivity


  • In a node link diagram, nodes are drawn as point marks and the links connecting them are drawn as line marks.
  • Triangular vertical node link layout
  • Spline radial layout


  • Root on the top
  • Leaves on the bottom
  • Vertial spatial position shows depth
  • Horizon tal spatial position does not encode an attribute.
    • Chosen by a layout algorithm


  • Word Tree



Radial Layout

  • The distance away from the center shows depth
  • Vertical & horizontal spatial positions are chosen by a layout algorithm to avoid overlap.



  • The naïve node-link diagrams are useful for a tree with a few hundred nodes.
  • For bigger trees, we need aggregate edges.

  • Toward Better Scalability



  • What tasks do users want to perforn on graphs?
    • Task taxonomy of graph visualization
  • Topology-based tasks (can be well supported by node link diagrams)
    • Find the set of nodes adjacent to a node.
    • How many nodes are adjacent to a node?
  • Attribute-based tasks
    • Find the nodes having a specific attribute value.
  • Browsing tasks
    • Follow a given path.
  • See Lee et al., “Task taxonomy for graph visualization” for more details.

  • How to determine the position of nodes?


Graph Drawing

  • Graph drawing is a research area that aims to find a “good” 2D dep i ction of networks.
  • What is a “good” network layout? (= quality measures)
    • Minimize the number of edge crossings
    • Display the symmetries of the graph
    • Minimize the number of bends along the edges
    • Maximize the smallest angle between two edges incident on the same vertex
    • Minimize the sum of edge length and the maximum length of an edge
    • Minimize the area of the drawing by producing a compact graph

  • Many graph drawing algorithms are NP complete and seem not to have a polynomial time algorithm.
  • So, we use approximation instead.
  • Force-directed graph drawing is a class of algorithms that are based on a physical model
    • We define forces among the set of nodes/links.
    • We find a layout with minimum energy by simulating the movements of nodes/edges.

What are the “Forces”?

  • Attractive forces are applied to
    • the two endpoints of an edge toward each other
    • all nodes toward the center of the viewbox
  • Repulsive forces are applied to
    • each pair of nodes that are not neighbors
    • Forces applied to a node are summed up and used to compute the next position of the node (after a very small fraction of time = simulation)

Force-Directed Layout

  1. Assign random initial positions to nodes
  2. Compute the force applied to each node
  3. Compute dx and dy
  4. Slightly move the nodes towards dx , dy
  5. Repeat 2-4 until the layout is stabilized (equilibrium state).

  • Strengths:
    • Good quality
    • Easy to implement
    • Intuitive
    • Flexible
    • Interactive
  • Weaknesses:
    • Non-deterministic
      • spatial memory cannot be exploited across different runs of the algorithm
    • Scalability (hairball)
    • Poor local minima
    • Continual bouncing

  • The Hairball Problem


Toward Better Scalability

  • Multilevel scalable force directed placement (sfdp)
  • Generate simplified graphs: 𝐺 0 𝐺 1 𝐺 𝑙
    • Graph coarsening
    • Edge collapsing
  • Place 𝐺 𝑙
  • Use 𝐺 𝑘 1 to place 𝐺 𝑘
  • For more information, see “Efficient, High Quality Force Directed Graph Drawing” by Yifan Hu.

  • Multilevel Scalable Force-directed Placement




  • Traditional graph drawing algorithms take long time.
  • Sometimes we need to run the algorithm several times to obtain a desired layout (by tuning some parameters)
  • Can we accelerate this process using deep learning?
  • Wang et al., “DeepDrawing : A Deep Learning Approach to Graph Drawing”(TVCG 2019)



Adjacency Matrix

  • All of the nodes in the network are laid out along the vertical and horizontal edges of a square region.
  • Links between two nodes are indicated by coloring an area mark in the cell in the matrix that is the intersection between their row and column.
  • Additional information about nodes and edges can be encoded by coloring matrix.
    • e.g., cluster of nodes
  • The matrix becomes symmetric for an undirected graph.




Node-link Diagram vs Adjacency Matrix



NodeTrix Idiom

  • Node-link diagrams are good for revealing the global structure.
  • Adjacency matrices are good for revealing the local structure.
  • Can we use both at the same time?
    • Social network data: globally sparse and locally dense
  • Nathalie Henry, Jean Daniel Fekete, and Michael J. McGuffin, “ NodeTrix : A Hybrid Visualization of Social Networks” (InfoVis 2007)

  • Identify communities
  • Identify central actors





  • Containment marks can be used to visualize the hierarchiy in data.
  • Only works for trees (no cycles)



  • The hierarchical relationships are shown with containment rather than connection.
  • All of the children of a tree node are enclosed within the area allocated that node, creating a nested layout.
  • The size of the nodes is mapped to some attribute of the node.




Neighborhood Preserving Treemaps

  • Can we reflect the neighborhood relationship in a Treemap layout?
  • Duarte et al., “Nmap: A Novel Neighborhood Preservation Space filling Algorithm” (InfoVis 2014)
    • e.g., cities in Korea have a hierarchy
      • Korea
        • Seoul
        • Gyeonggi do
          • Suwon si
          • Yongin si


State Aware Treemaps



Idioms for Tree Data



  • Compound network: a network + tree
  • Cluster hierarchy atop original network.
  • Connection marks for original network, containment marks for cluster hierarchy.


Summary: Arrange Networks and Trees

  • A node-link diagram uses connection marks.
    • Force-directed layout
    • Intuitive, topology understanding, unsearchable, no order, not scalable
  • An adjacency matrix uses area marks in 2D matrix alignment.
    • Detailed Task, estimating # of nodes, searchable, better scalability, unfamiliar
  • A Treemap uses area marks and containment with rectilinear layout.

