3 분 소요


Search Strategies

  • No information about the number of steps or the path cost from the current state to the goal
  • Distinguish goal state from a non goal state
  • No preference among Sibiu, Timisoara, Zerind

  • Since Bucharest is southeast of Arad, and Sibiu is in that direction, so it is likely to be the best choice.
  • Uninformed search strategies are distinguished by the order in which nodes are expanded.

Breadth First Search (BFS)

  • Root node is expanded first
  • All nodes generated by the root node are expanded next, and their successors
  • All nodes at depth d in search tree are expanded before the nodes at depth $d+1$
  • Considers all the paths of length 1 then all those of length 2, and so on.
  • If there are several solutions, it find the shallowest goal state first
  • Complete
  • Optimal provided the path cost is a nondecreasing function of the depth of the node
  • Why it is not always the strategy of choice?


  • Assume branching factor is $b$
  • Suppose that solution has a path length of $d$
  • Maximum number of nodes expanded before finding a solution
    • $1+b+b^2+b^3+ \dots + b^d$
  • Exponential complexity (Time and Space) $O(b^d)$
    • Depth $d$ =12
    • Assuming branch factor $b$ =10, 1000 nodes/second, 100 bytes/node
    • Time: 35 years, Memory: 111 tera bytes

  • Expand the lowest cost node measured by path cost $g(n)$
  • Breadth first search is uniform cost search with $g(n)=d(n)$
  • Finds cheapest solution provided that the cost of a path never decrease as we go along the path.(i.e. every operator has a nonnegative cost)

$g(Successor(n)) \geq g(n),$ for every node $n$

  • Route Finding Problem


Depth-First Search (DFS)

  • Expand one of the nodes at the deepest level of the tree.
  • When the search hits a dead end (a non goal node with no expansion), search go back and expand nodes at shallower levels.
  • Modest memory requirements.
  • $bm$ nodes
  • $b$: branching factor, $m$ :maximum depth

  • Time complexity $O(b^m)$
  • For problems that have many solutions, depth first may be faster than breadth-first
  • Get stuck: infinite depth
  • Not complete
  • Not optimal

Depth-First Search with a depth-limit



  • Impose a cutoff on the maximum depth of a path
  • Map of Romania, 20 cities
  • Solution must be of length 19 at the longest
  • Complete
  • Not optimal
  • If we choose depth limit that is too small,
    • Complete? Optimal?
  • Time complexity $O(b^l)$
  • Space complexity $O(bl)$
  • $l$: depth limit

  • Good limit?
  • Any city can be reached from any other city at most 9 steps.
    • leads to a more efficient depth–limited search
  • We will not know a good depth limit.
  • Try all possible depth limits
  • Depth 0, depth 1, depth 2,….
  • Combines the benefits of depth-first and breadth-first search
  • Optimal and complete

Modest memory requirements of depth first search

  • Many states are expanded multiple times
  • Time complexity?
  • It does not matter much that the upper levels are expanded multiple times

  • Cf. Number of expansions in depth-limited search to depth d with branching factor b
    • $1 + b + b^2 + \dots + b^{d-2} + b^{d-1} + b^d$

  • For b=10, d=5
  • Cf. Depth-limited search
    • 1+10+100+1000+10,000+100,000=111,111
  • Iterative deepening search, nodes on the bottom level are expanded once
  • Nodes on the next to bottom level are expanded twice Root of the search tree, expanded d+1 times
  • Total number of expansions
    • $(d+1)1 + (d)b + (d-1)b^2 + \dots + 3b^{d-2} + 2b^{d-1} + 1b^d$

  • For b=10, d=5
  • total number of expanded nodes in iterative deepening search
  • 6 + 50 + 400 + 3,000 + 20,000 + 100,000 = 123,456
  • 11% more nodes are expanded
  • Space complexity : $O(db)$
  • Time complexity : $O(b^d)$

Comparing search strategies


  • $b$:branching factor, $d$:depth of solution,
  • $m$:maximum depth of search tree, $l$:depth limit

2.5 Search in Neural Network

  • $x$: parameter we are adjusting
  • $P(x)$: performance index
  • Develop algorithm to optimize a performance index $P(x)$
  • Find value of $x$ that minimizes $P(x)$
  • Iterative algorithm
  • Initial guess, $x_0$
  • Update guess


  • $\gamma(n)$: positive scalar, learning rate
  • $\delta(n)$: search direction. Choice of $\delta(n)$ ?

Gradient Descent (경사하강법)






Fig. Steepest descent algorithms for two variable function
