[Artificial Intelligence] Solving problems by Searching (1)
- Solving problems by Search (1)
- Solving problems by Search (2)
Problem Solving
- The 8-Puzzle:
- 3 x 3 board with eight numbered tiles and a blank space
- Cryptarithmetic Problem
- Assign a decimal digit to each of the letter in such a way thatanswer to the problem is correct.
- If the same letter occurs more than once, it must be assigned same digit each time.
- No two different letters may be assigned same digit
2.1 Well-defined problems and solution
- Basic elements of a problem definition: states and actions
- Initial state
- Operator: description of an action in terms of which state will be reached by carrying out the action in a particular state
- Goal test: agent can apply a single state description to determine if it is a goal state.
- explicit set of possible goal states
- specified by abstract property
- Path cost function: a function that assigns a cost to a path
- State space: set of all states reachable from the initial state by any sequence of actions.
- Path: any sequence of actions leading one state to another.
- Solution : a path from the initial state to goal state
2.2 Example Problems
The 8-Puzzle
: 3 x 3 board with eight numbered tiles and a blank space
- States: a state description specifies the location of each of the eight tiles.
- Operators: blank moves left,right,up or down
- Goal test: state matches the goal configuration
- Path cost: each step costs 1. path cost is the length of the cost
Search Tree for the 8 puzzle problem
- States: a state description specifies the location of robot, sensory input values
- Operators: move north, south, east, west
- Goal test: state matches the goal location
- Path cost: each step costs 1 Path cost is the length of the path
Robot in a Two Dimensional Grid World
- Boundary
- Solid object
- The robot senses whether the eight surrounding cells are free for it to occupy
- Large, unmovable objects(obstacles)
- Move from start state to the goal state avoiding obstacles
- Robot is able to sense whether or not the eight cells surrounding it are free
- Sensory inputs: s1, s2, …, s8. Either 0 or 1, 0 if cell is free
- Four actions - move north, south, east, west
- States: a state description specifies the location of robot, sensory input values
- Operators: move north, south, east, west
- Goal test: state matches the goal location
- Path cost: each step costs 1. Path cost is the length of the path
Travelling Salesperson Problem
- Each city must be visited exactly once.
- The aim is to find shortest path.
- In Romania Map
- State: in Oradea, visited {Arad, Sibiu}
2.3 Search Tree and Graph
- Find a path from Arad to Bucharest
- initial state Arad
- after expanding Arad
- after expanding Sibiu
Tree search example
- Generating Action Sequences
- Apply operators to the current state => generate new set of states. : Expanding state
- Choose a state
- Test if this is a goal state
- If it is not expand it.
- Choosing → testing → Expanding
- The choice of which state to expand first is determined by the search strategy
- To formalize a little we can define four criteria used to measure search strategies
- Completeness : Is the strategy guaranteed to find a solution?
- Time Complexity : How long does it take to find a solution?
- Space Complexity : How much memory does it take to perform the search?
- Optimality : Does the strategy find the optimal solution where there are several solutions?
Graph Notation
- Consists of nodes
- Connected by arcs
- Directed arc
- Nodes: states
- Arcs: operators
- Parent node
- Child node
- Edges: undirected graph
- Directed tree: each node(except one) has exactly one parent
- Root node
- Node in the tree having no successors: leaf node
- Depth of node: 0 for root node
- depth(node) = depth(parent) + 1
- Undirected tree is an undirected graph in which there is one and only one path along edges between any pair of nodes
- If all nodes except leaf nodes have the same number b of successors, b is called branching factor of the tree
- A sequence of nodes $(n_1, n_2, \dots, n_k)
- Path of length $k-1$ from node $n_1$ to $n_k$ • If a path exists from node $n_i$ to $n_j$, then $n_j$ is accessible from node $n_i$ • C(a): cost of an arc a • Cost of a path between two nodes: sum of the costs of all of the arcs connecting nodes on the path • Optimal path: path having minimal cost