[Artificial Intelligence] Knowledge Representation
Knowledge RepresentationPermalink
Knowledge based system
Graphical Representation of Knowledge
- (토요일 && 학점_A) ▶ 영화구경
- (중간고사_최상 && 기말고사_최상 ) ▶ 학점 A
- (토요일 && 기말고사_최상) ▶ 영화구경?
Knowledge RepresentationPermalink
- Knowledge : Facts, Procedural rules, Heuristic rules
- Facts : always true
- Integrated circuit has power pin and GND(Ground) pin.
- Boeing 747 can fly safely by three engines.
- Procedural rules: rules that describe a sequence of causal statements .
- If we apply ‘1’ for every input of AND gate , the ouput of the gate becomes ‘1’ .
- The higher voltage of DC motor is, the faster RPM is.
- Heuristic rules: not always true, true in most cases.
- If the headlight beam of the car is not bright, voltage of battery is low.
- If there is a linear element of which brightness changes rapidly, it is an edge of an object .
- Knowledge representation based on formal logic
- Formal logic
- Easy to understand knowledge representation due to familiarity of formal logic system
- Can adopt logical reasoning method Well developed deductive inference algorithm
- Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic
- Ambiguous knowledge: Fuzzy Logic
Propositional Logic (명제 논리)Permalink
- Proposition(statement): a sentence that is either true or false.
- ex) ‘The color of Tom’s car is black’,
- ‘Tom’s car’,
- ‘7+5’
- Capital letters of the alphabet, such as P, S, are used to represent propositions
- Statements are combined by connectives to become a compound statement.
- Implication : conveys the meaning that the truth of A implies or leads to the truth of B. The compound statement is denoted by A → B.
Atoms: T,F, countably infinite set of strings ,that begin with a capital letter (P,Q,R,P1,…P,Q,R,P1,…)
- Connectives: ∨(or), ∧(and), →(implies), ’(not)
Propositional Logic - Syntax**Permalink
- Syntax of Well Formed Formula (wff)
- Any atom is a wff: P, R, P3
- Literals : atoms , atoms with ʹ
Propositional Logic - Semantics**Permalink
- Interpretation: Associate atoms with propositions about world. BAT_OK => “The battery is charged”
- Under a given interpretation, each atom has a value-true or false
- Sensing feature x1 => Store x1 in knowledge base
[Exercise] The negation of well formed formula,Permalink
– A “Block is liftable” – B “Arm is moving” – C “Battery is charged”
① If Block is liftable, then arm is moving. A → B is equivalent to ~ A ∨ B ② The block is liftable or arm is moving. A ∨ B
Predicate Login (술어 논리)Permalink
– Term
- Constant : specific objects in the domain ex) Taeyun, Jina
- Variable : objects in the domain can be represented using variables ex) x or y
- function : mapping the object in the domain to other objects
- father(x) : x ←T aeyun object, output : Taeyun’s father object
- n-place function times(4, plus(3, 6)) , fatherof(John) – predicate(술어) : describe objects’ property or relations among objects ON(A, B), CLEAR(A)
- Maps object constants into objects in the world
- N-ary function constant into n-ary function in the world
- N-ary relation into n-ary relation in the world
- Every object has a certain property.
- Clear(B1) && Clear(B2) && Clear(B3) && Clear(B4) …
- At least one object has a certain property
Clear(B1) Clear(B2) Clear(B3) Clear(B4) …
- Variable symbols
- Quantifier symbols
- Quantifier(한정사)
– Existential quantifier (존재 한정사) : ∃
- (∃x) On(x,B) There is a block on Block B.
- (∃x) Greater_than(x,0) – Universal quantifier (전체 한정사) : ∀
- (∀x) Man (Father(x)) Father is a man for all x
- (∀x) Attends (x,(CS221 && CS157))
[Ex 4.2] (∃x ) Odd(x)
- true : if domain of x is a set of integers
- false : if domain of x is a set of imaginary numbers
[ex 4.4] write each statement as a predicate wff (the domain is whole world)
- D(x) is “x is a day”, M is “Monday”
- S(x) is “x is sunny”, T is “Tuesday”
- R(x) is “x is rainy”,
① All days are sunny. (∀x)(D(x)→S(x)) ② some days are not rainy. (∃x)[D(x)∧R(x)’] or [(∀x)(D(x)→R(x))]’ ③ Every day that is sunny is not rainy. (∀x)[D(x)∧S(x)→R(x)’] ④ Some days are sunny and rainy. (∃x)[D(x)∧S(x)∧R(x)] ⑤ No day is both sunny and rainy. (∀x)[D(x)→(S(x)∧R(x))’] or (∀x)[D(x)∧S(x)∧R(x)]’
Fuzzy LogicPermalink
Ref. Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks,Yoh-Han Pao,Addison Wesley
- Fuzzy Logic
- “physically active” : a vague or fuzzy quantity
- Defining this quantity as a fuzzy set
- Crisp set
- A={1, 3, 5, 7}
A={x x is integer, 3<x<7} - If the element x1x1 belongs to the set A(x1x1 A ), the degree of membership is 1
- Otherwise (x1x1 A ) , 0.
- Membership Function : μA0(xi)μA0(xi)
- xixi가 A0A0 집합에 속하는 정도
I. The grade of membership of x in AOAO II. The fuzzy set AOAO : a set of ordered pairs of and III. a continuous or discrete membership function
For example, among 10 objects {x1, x2, … x10}, a set of heavy objects, AOAO
→ a discrete membership function
- A continuous membership function : defining a fuzzy set in terms of membership function
Fuzzy Arithmetic (Intersection)Permalink
- Product or intersection of two fuzzy sets
- Membership function of the intersection
Fuzzy Arithmetic (Union)Permalink