7 분 소요



Decision Tree Learning

  • 후보제거 알고리즘
    • 속성의 부울 함수 발견
    • 두개 이상의 출력을 갖는 함수에도 적용가능함
  • 널리 사용됨
  • 잡음에 강인함
  • 논리합표현식 생성
  • 쉽게 해석이 가능함 (트리구조, if-then rules)


  • 분류 결정트리
    • 예제들을 카테고리 중 한 개로 분류함
    • 학습된 함수는 트리로 표현됨
    • 트리의 각 노드는 예제의 속성을 테스트
    • 가지는 속성값을 나타냄
    • 근노드로부터 단말노드로 진행하여 출력을 구함

  • 트리는 가정을 형성함
    • Disjunction (OR’s) of conjunctions (AND’s)
    • Each path from root to leaf forms conjunction of constraints on attributes
    • Separate branches are disjunctions
  • Example from PlayTennis decision tree:
    • (Outlook=Sunny $\wedge$ Humidity=Normal) $vee$ (Outlook=Overcast) $\vee$ (Outlook=Rain $\wedge$ Wind=Weak)

Types of problems decision tree learning is good for:

  • Instances represented by attribute-value pairs
    • For algorithm in note, attributes take on a small number of discrete values
    • Can be extended to real-valued attributes (numerical data)
    • Target function has discrete output values
    • Can be extended to multiple output values
  • Hypothesis space can include disjunctive expressions.
    • In fact, hypothesis space is complete space of finite discretevalued functions
  • Robust to imperfect training data
    • classification errors
    • errors in attribute values
    • missing attribute values
  • Examples:
    • Equipment diagnosis
    • Medical diagnosis
    • Credit card risk analysis
    • Robot movement
    • Pattern Recognition
      • face recognition

ID3 Algorithm

  • A greedy algorithm for Decision Tree Construction developed by Ross Quinlan, 1987
  • Top-down, greedy search through space of possible decision trees
    • Remember, decision trees represent hypotheses, so this is a search through hypothesis space.
  • What is top-down?
    • How to start tree?
      • What attribute should represent the root?
    • As you proceed down tree, choose attribute for each successive node.
    • No backtracking:
      • So, algorithm proceeds from top to bottom

The ID3 algorithm is used to build a decision tree, given a set of non-categorical attributes C1, C2, .., Cn, the categorical attribute C, and a training set T of records.

function ID3 (R: a set of non-categorical attributes,
C: the categorical attribute,
S: a training set) returns a decision tree;
If S is empty, return a single node with value Failure;
If every example in S has the same value for categorical
attribute, return single node with that value;
If R is empty, then return a single node with most
frequent of the values of the categorical attribute found in
examples S; [note: there will be errors, i.e., improperly
classified records];
Let D be attribute with largest Gain(D,S) among R’s attributes;
Let {dj| j=1,2, .., m} be the values of attribute D;
Let {Sj| j=1,2, .., m} be the subsets of S consisting
respectively of records with value dj for attribute D;
Return a tree with root labeled D and arcs labeled
d1, d2, .., dm going respectively to the trees
ID3(R-{D},C,S1), ID3(R-{D},C,S2) ,.., ID3(R-{D},C,Sm);
end ID3;
  • What is a greedy search?
    • At each step, make decision which makes greatest improvement in whatever you are trying optimize.
    • Do not backtrack (unless you hit a dead end)
    • This type of search is likely not to be a globally optimum solution, but generally works well.
  • What are we really doing here?
    • At each node of tree, make decision on which attribute best classifies training data at that point.
    • Never backtrack (in ID3)
    • Do this for each branch of tree.
    • End result will be tree structure representing a hypothesis which works best for the training data.

Information Theory Background

  • Question?
    • How do you determine which attribute best classifies data?
  • Answer: Entropy!
    • Information gain:
      • Statistical quantity measuring how well an attribute classifies the data.
        • Calculate the information gain for each attribute.
        • Choose attribute with greatest information gain.


  • If an event conveys information, that means it’s a surprise.
  • If an event always occurs, $P(A_i)=1$, then it carries no information. $-\log_2(1) = 0$
  • If an event rarely occurs (e.g. $P(A_i)=0.001$), it carries a lot of information. $-\log_2(0.001) = 9.97$
  • The less likely the event, the more the information it carries since, for $0 \leq P(A_i) \leq 1$,
    • $\log_2(P(A_i))$ increases as $P(A_i)$ goes from 1 to 0.
      • (Note: ignore events with $P(A_i)=0$ since they never occur.)

In general: – For an ensemble of random events: $\{A1,A2\}$ occurring with probabilities: $z = \{P(A1),P(A2)\}$


If you consider the self-information of event, i, to be: -log2(P(Ai)) Entropy is weighted average of information carried by each event.


  • Information gain is our metric for how well one attribute classifies the training data.
  • Information gain for a particular attribute = $A_i$
    • Information about target function, given the value of that attribute. (conditional entropy)
  • Mathematical expression for information gain:


  • ID3 algorithm (for boolean-valued function)
    • Calculate the entropy for all training examples
    • positive and negative cases
    • p+ = Npos/NTot p- = Nneg/NTot
    • H(S) = -p+log2(p+) - plog2(p-)
  • Determine which single attribute best classifies the training examples using information gain.
    • For each attribute find:


  • Use attribute with greatest information gain as a root

Example: PlayTennis

  • Four attributes used for classification:
    • Outlook = {Sunny, Overcast, Rain}
    • Temperature = {Hot, Mild, Cool}
    • Humidity = {High, Normal}
    • Wind = {Weak, Strong}
  • One predicted (target) attribute (binary)
    • PlayTennis = {Yes, No}
  • Given 14 Training examples
    • 9 positive
    • 5 negative









  • Important:
    • Attributes are excluded from consideration if they appear higher in the tree
  • Process continues for each new leaf node until:
    • Every attribute has already been included along path through the tree or
    • Training examples associated with this leaf all have same target attribute value.
    • End up with tree:


  • Note: In this example data were perfect.
    • No contradictions
    • Branches led to unambiguous Yes, No decisions
    • If there are contradictions take the majority vote
      • This handles noisy data.
  • Another note:
    • Attributes are eliminated when they are assigned to a node and never reconsidered.
    • e.g. You would not go back and reconsider Outlook under Humidity
  • ID3 uses all of the training data at once
    • Can handle noisy data.
    • Contrast to Candidate-Elimination

Another Example: Russell’s and Norvig’s Restaurant Domain

  • Develop a decision tree to model the decision a patron makes when deciding whether or not to wait for a table at a restaurant.
  • Two classes: wait, leave
  • Ten attributes:
    • alternative restaurant available?,
    • bar in restaurant?, is it Friday?,
    • are we hungry?,
    • how full is the restaurant?,
    • how expensive?,
    • is it raining?,
    • do we have a reservation?,
    • what type of restaurant is it?,
    • what’s the purported waiting time?
  • Training set of 12 examples
  • ~ 7000 possible cases


Decision Tree

Lets compare two candidate attributes: Patrons and Type. Which is a better attribute?


We select a best candidate for discerning between X4(+),x12(+), x2(-),x5(-),x9(-),x10(-)


By continuing in the same manner we obtain


How well does it work?

  • Many case studies have shown that decision trees are at least as accurate as human experts.

– A study for diagnosing breast cancer:

  • humans correctly classifying the examples 65% of the time,
  • the decision tree classified 72% correct.
  • British Petroleum designed a decision tree for gas-oil separation for offshore oil platforms/
    • It replaced an earlier rule-based expert system. – Cessna designed an airplane flight controller using 90,000 examples and 20 attributes per example.

  • Extensions of the Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
    • Using gain ratios
    • Real-valued data
    • Noisy data and Overfitting
    • Generation of rules
    • Setting Parameters
    • Cross-Validation for Experimental Validation of Performance
    • Incremental learning

Real-valued data

  • Select a set of thresholds defining intervals;
    • each interval becomes a discrete value of the attribute
  • We can use some simple heuristics
    • always divide into quartiles
  • We can use domain knowledge
    • divide age into infant (0-2), toddler (3 - 5), and school aged (5-8)
  • or treat this as another learning problem
    • try a range of ways to discretize the continuous variable
    • Find out which yield “better results” with respect to some metric.

Noisy data and Overfitting

  • Many kinds of “noise” that could occur in the examples:
    • Two examples have same attribute/value pairs, but different classifications
    • Some values of attributes are incorrect because of:
      • Errors in the data acquisition process
      • Errors in the preprocessing phase
    • The classification is wrong (e.g., + instead of -) because of some error
  • Some attributes are irrelevant to the decision-making process,
    • e.g., color of a die is irrelevant to its outcome.
    • Irrelevant attributes can result in overfitting the training data.


  • Overfitting:
    • learning result fits data (training examples) well but does not hold for unseen data
      • This means, the algorithm has poor generalization
    • Often need to compromise fitness to data and generalization power
    • Overfitting is a problem common to all methods that learn from data
  • Fix overfitting/overlearning problem – By cross validation (see later) – By pruning lower nodes in the decision tree.
    • For example, if Gain of the best attribute at a node is below a threshold, stop and make this node a leaf rather than generating children nodes.

Pruning Decision Trees

  • Pruning of the decision tree is done by replacing a whole subtree by a leaf node.
  • The replacement takes place if a decision rule establishes that the expected error rate in the subtree is greater than in the single leaf.
  • E.g.,
    • Training Set: eg, one red ‘yes’ and one blue ‘no’
    • Test: three red ‘no’s ,one red ‘yes’ , one blue ‘yes’, and one blue ‘no’
    • Consider replacing this subtree by a single ‘no’ node.
  • After replacement we will have only two errors instead of four errors.

