2 분 소요


Heuristic searchPermalink

Using Evaluation FunctionsPermalink

  • Heuristic(evaluation) function f^ ,to decide which node is the best one to expand next
  • Function is based on information specific to the problem domain
  • Real valued function of state descriptions
  • Expand next the node n having the smallest value of f^(n)-> best-first search or heuristic search
  • Terminate when the node to be expanded next is goal node

From Arad to BucharestPermalink





  • The number of misplaced tiles (not including the blank) //TODO

Admissibility of APermalink

  • Conditions for A to find minimal cost path
    • Each node in the graph has a finite number of successors
    • All arcs in graph have costs greater than positive amount e
    • Optimistic estimator: for all nodes n in search graph,


It is not difficult to satisfy lower bound condition

  • Theorem
    • Under the conditions on graphs and on $\hat{h}, if there is a path with finite cost from start node to goal node, A* is guranteed to terminate with a minimal cost path to goal

More Informed

Two versions of A

  • A1, A2, If for all non goal nodes, h1^<h2^ A2 is more informed than A1
  • Theorem.
  • If A2 is more informed then at the termination of their search on any graph, every node expanded by A2 is also expanded by A1

Heuristics for 8-puzzle

  • The Manhattan Distance(not including the blank)



  • In this case, only the “3”, “8” and “1” tiles are misplaced, by 2, 3, and 3 squares respectively, so the heuristic function evaluates to 8.
  • In other words, the heuristic is telling us, that it thinks a solution is available in just 8 more moves.

  • Notation: h(n), h(current state) = 8

  • Seek an function whose h^ values are as close as possible to those of actual h function
  • Most informed algorithm, h^=h

Relationships among Search AlgorithmsPermalink


Heuristic Functions and Search EfficiencyPermalink

  • 8-Puzzle
  • W(n) = sum of the number of tiles in the wrong place
  • Allow tile to move directly to goal square
  • Sum of the distances that each tile is from its goal square
  • Tiles move to an adjacent square even though there may be a tile.
  • Relaxed Model

Efficiency of APermalink

  • Cost(length) of the path found
  • Number of nodes expanded in finding the path
  • Computational effort required to compute h^

Search Example-Image segmentationPermalink

  • Graph G=(N,U): a set of nodes N and a set U of arcs (ni,nj)
  • In a directed arc ni is called parent and nj is called successor
  • Expansion: identifying successors of a node
  • Starting (0 or root) level, last (goal) level
  • Cost c(ni,nj)_ associated with an arc
  • Path n1,n2,,nk, with each ni, being a successor of ni1 Cost of a path is the sum of costs of the arcs constituting the path
  • Edge element defined between two neighbor pixels p and q (xp,yq),(xq,yp)
  • Associate cost with an edge element H:7 c(p,q)=H[f(p)f(q)]


